Privacy Policy

In the online store we respect all legal requirements and moral principles to ensure high protection of your personal data. Owner and data administrator in is Ventore Ltd, UIC: 203259743, with a company seat at 30 Kraishte St., Sofia, e-mail, phone number: +359887625524

What information do we collect?

At the time of registering or placing an order in our store, you leave, at your will, information such as: name, telephone, shipping address and email. We also use the cookies technology, in order to receive more information, please, read our Cookies policy as well.

How do we use this information?

We use your data only to be able to carry out successfully the orders that you might have done. With your consent, we could use your email to send you our newsletter or discount coupons. We do not sell your personal data to third parties. Our intention is to collect only the minimum amount of necessary data, which we keep with full responsibility only until the completion of your order and within the periods stipulated in the tax legislation.

Can you delete your personal data from our online store (right to be forgotten)?

Yes, you have the right to have your data deleted. You can ask us to do it using our contact data (telephone, email or contact form), and you can also do it by yourself following the link "See my data" found at the bottom of the initial page of the store and there you could see the data we have about you and you could confirm your decision your data to be deleted. In such case the only information we will still have stored will be the one of your orders, but in anonymous form, which means that the orders will not include your names, address, email, and neither your IP.

What other rights do you have regarding the protection of your personal data?

In addition to being informed about what type of protection of your personal data we ensure, the volume of these data, the storage terms and with what objectives we use them, as you know from the previous paragraph, you have the right to be forgotten and also the rights to correct the data you have provided us, to access your data that he have and to present an objection in case you consider your rights of personal data protection have been violated.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact details described at the beginning.