Cookies policy

Cookies policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of data that the website asks your browser to store on your PC or mobile device when you visit it. Cookies will help our webpage to identify your device and preferences the next time you visit it.

How we use cookies?

We use cookies in order to receive an anonymous information about how our users use our website. For example,  we could see what part of our users access the website for the firts time and how many users have come back to it. We could also see which is the most popular content of our website. Cookies provide users with the most convenient access, for example, cookies permit users to keep their chosen products in the shopping cart if they want to check out later.

Like many other sites, we also use Google Analytics to analyze site traffic. Apart of it, when you share or like an item on the website using the social networking buttons (like Facebook), they remember your action. Advertisers sometimes use their own cookies to show you targeted content.

Is it possible to disable cookies?

Yes, every contemporary browser allows you to customize your cookies settings. Usually, you could access these settings from  "options" or "preferences" of your browser.

Important: Please, have in mind, that if you disable cookies, part of the content ot our website might not finction correctly on your device.

Yu could find an additional information about cookies ot websaites like като or